Quick and Easy financing for MSMEs,

from automated FinBridgeX

A disruptive financing tool that automates the connection between MSMEs and a network of banks and NBFCs, and help MSMEs access financing at affordable interest rates


24/7 financing will be available in MSMEs' trading and accounting systems so that Business Chale Non-stop!


Connects MSMEs' to Financing sources like Banks and NBFCs through ProFinTech's systems.

Quick financing

Allows MSMEs' to explore competitive loan offers and helps them access funds within 2-3 days.


Boosts MSMEs' visibility amongs banks and NBFCs, and builds the brand power for MSMEs.

How FinBridgeX Works?

Connects to live trading
process at the MSME

Direction Arrows
Step 1

Provides Business Intelligence reports and credit-readiness
scores to the MSME

Direction Arrows
Step 2

Provides AI & ML based
financing recommendations
to the MSME

Direction Arrows
Step 3

Provides all these real-time
automated reports to the MSME
(on a need basis)

Direction Arrows
Step 4

Helps the MSME access loan by connecting
him to finance partners, via generating
real-time scorecards

Step 5


FinBridgeX is an automated financing tool. It stays connected to your accounting systems to make the process of raising finance easy and automated. The financing requirement is analysed by ProFinTech systems and final insights with clear requirements are communicated to multiple financing partners of ProFinTech.

FinBridgeX also provides fantastic analytical capabilities to MSMEs to track key financing variables like cash flow changes, delayed collections, customer activity changes, etc.

As soon as you are interested in FinBridgeX, our team will guide and support you in installing software in your system where you have the accounting software. It is a very simple software installation and will not disturb any of your other work on your system or will not slow down or cause any problems to your system. Once the installation is completed, you are ready to request financing from us. 

We ensure compliance with data protection laws, such as DPDP- 23 or other regional equivalents is followed. Client Data shall be stored in the database of ProFinTech. It shall be processed inside the ProFinTech environment and required information shall be shared with dashboard to Client as well as to Finance partner ONLY ON CONSENT of the client. Personal data, customer pricing, product details will never be shared with any 3rd party. The data is fully secure, with is full encryption of data.

We are currently offering a free trial as a subscription service to our initial few customers.

For any assistance, support, or inquiries, we at ProFinTech encourage open communication from our clients, partners, users and supporters. Our dedicated support team would be readily available to address your needs and issues promptly. Feel free to reach out to us via email at support@profintech.in for comprehensive assistance. Additionally, you can directly contact Amit, our designated point of contact, at amit@profintech.in. We are committed to providing responsive and personalized support to ensure a seamless experience for our valued clients and partners. Your inquiries are important to us, and we look forward to assisting you in every way possible.

Contact us

Thank you for your interest in FinBridgeX from ProFinTech. Let us know how we can help you. Do fill in the contact form given below. We will talk to you as soon as possible.

Why should you choose FinBridgeX?

Please submit your details here,
so that we get in touch with you